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Adventure in Citizen Program

Adventure in Citizenship Program (AIC)  

Event Date: Sunday, May 25 – Wednesday, May 28, 2025

Event Location: Ottawa

The Rotary Club of Essex will pay for the flight to send the successful candidate to Ottawa.

The Rotary Club of Ottawa is responsible for any costs incurred for accommodation, meals, and transport of the participants during the program in Ottawa. Student Dormitory accommodations (University of Ottawa) will be provided beginning on the day of arrival through to the end of the program. All meals are included. Individual single bedrooms in a Dormitory setting will be gender segregated and adult supervised.   

AIC General Information and Promo Video

Please email if you are interested in seeking sponsorship to attend this event.  Candidates must live in the Essex area.  

In your email, include:

  • AIC Request for Sponsorship in the subject line
  • A paragraph or two giving a rationale for why you would like to attend this event.  Include any extracurricular activities you may be involved in that demonstrate an interest in citizenship in our community (ex. volunteerism).  Also comment on how gaining a better understanding of our country will help you meet your future goals.
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Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards  (RYLA)  

Event Date: Friday, May 2- Sunday, May 4, 2025
Event Address: Camp Copneconic – Fenton, MI

The Rotary Club of Essex will pay for registration fees for two (2) candidates. The student is responsible for getting to and from the location.

District 6400 RYLA promo video

RYLA General Information and promo video

Please email if you are interested in seeking sponsorship to attend this event.  Candidates must live in the Essex area.  

In your email, include:

  • RYLA Request for Sponsorship in the subject line
  • A paragraph or two giving a rationale for why you would like to attend this event.  Include any extracurricular activities you may be involved in that demonstrate an interest in building leadership skills.
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Rotary club of Essex Little Libraries

Did you know that the Rotary Club of Essex has placed six Free Little Libraries throughout our wonderful community? This supports one our key areas of focus, Education and Literacy.

One is in front of the Town Hall and the other outdoor one is at the park by the Spitfire/Train Station. The other four are indoor at the Arena, Maedel Community Centre, Pool Complex and at the medical Clinic where Brady’s Pharmacy is.