Join Us

Rotary Club of Essex meets
every Monday at 6 p.m. at:
St. Paul Anglican Church
92 St Paul Street, Essex


Contact us if you would like to attend.

If you would like more information about joining our Rotary group, contact us.


Bettie Kerr – Current President – Rotary Club of Essex, Ontario

Bettie is from Cottam, Ontario and has been a Rotary member for many years.   Bettie has worked for Monarch office supply for 33 years and has 2 children, Megan and James.  She has 1 brother and 3 sisters, one of which is her twin!

In Bettie’s past she has been a member of the Angelican Church, where we presently host our Rotary meetings each week.   Bettie likes to cook and she makes us amazing meals each week for our Rotary meeting.  Bettie’s favorite part of Rotary is giving back to (helping) people.  Bettie can not recall a great Rotary memory, as there are so many.  She believes that being a Rotarian is a great way to get to know people.

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Kim Spirou

Kim is from Windsor, Ontario and has been a Rotary member since 1991.  She is married to Chris and is the proud mother of 2 amazing children.  Her vocation is Public Relations & Philanthropy.  Kim stated the following when asked why she joined Rotary: “I joined Rotary because I wanted to have super powers – like comic book heroes.  Rotary is an extraordinary instrument that gives us the power to make a lasting impact locally and globally.”

In Kim’s own words her favorite aspect of Rotary is: “My favorite element of Rotary is the lasting friendships we forge with like minded leaders here in our club and around the world. Thanks to Rotary I have friends all over the globe on 5 continents!!”

Her favorite Rotary memory: “My best Rotary memory is the first time I had the opportunity to administer polio drops at an immunization centre in Ghana. My hand was trembling so hard that I missed the baby’s mouth and those drops landed on its cheek…felt horrible. But thankfully they let me try again and it did it properly that time and for the rest of the day! It was wonderful to be part of fulfilling our promise to the world’s children to end polio.”

Kim believes that a person should join Rotary when they have a keen desire to contribute in small and big ways to their community and internationally.  She feels it’s an ideal way to connect and join like minded leaders, share ideas and take action and she feels it was one of the best decisions of her life. She feels truly blessed to be part of the Rotary family.

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Neil McBeth

Neil is from Essex, Ontario and has been a Rotary member since 1985. When Neil was younger his father, who was an active Rotarian made the Rotary fun for the whole family and Neil also continues the tradition as Neil’s wife Cheryl and son David are also members of the Rotary Club of Essex. Neil is a retired teach and farmer and is active in many facets of Rotary. When asked what his favorite aspect of Rotary, Neil’s reply was:”My favorite part of Rotary is its Internationality. You get to meet people from all over the world, by travelling traveling and participating in rotary Service opportunities.”

His greatest Rotary memory is: “In 2008 while on a service project in Nigeria, we went to a village to put a cement floor in a school. While there we found a hand pump well that was not working. Using my knowledge of pumps we took the head off and reconnected the priming rod with the pump handle and then put it back together. After repair, it pumped water. When I returned to the village in 2010 the well was still working.” Neil feels that a person should join Rotary as it’s important in your home community or in communities in developing countries. Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self” gives you the opportunity to expand your horizons and make the world a better place for those in great need.

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Jim Wallace

Jim is from Kingsville, Ontario and he has been a member since 1991.  He has two amazing step-sons and nine grandchildren.  When asked why he joined Rotary he stated, “Rotarians helped myself and three of my siblings for many years when we were children and when I decided I wanted to be involved in ‘giving back’ joining Rotary was the obvious choice for me.”

Jim’s favorite aspect of Rotary in that Rotary’s motto is “service Above Self” where he can support local, national and international projects which always leads to better and lasting friendships. Jim is overwhelmed with the shear number of wonderful Rotary memories and he’s unable to remember any particular single great memory but feels that there are many more memories to be made with each project Rotarians support and complete.  He feels that someone should join rotary to feel “the satisfaction someone feels while working on ‘Service Above Self’ projects. For more than 100 years Rotary has been accomplishing amazing goals with dedicated Rotarians locally and internationally.”

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David McBeth

David is from Essex, Ontario and has been a Rotary member since 2016.  David married his wife Estella in 2005 and they have two young girls. David works as a Civil Engineering Technologist.  He joined Rotary for two reasons, first it was a family tradition and his father is a fellow Rotarian with Essex Rotary and secondly he lives to be involved in something that makes a difference.

David’s favorite part of Rotary is the camaraderie and fellowship you gain with your fellow Rotarians.  His greatest Rotary memory was receiving his Exemplary Service aware from President Kim Spirou.  When asked why someone should join, his reply was “It (Rotary) is a great way to give back to the community, to raise awareness of issues around the world and to help out those in need.”

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Rina Hyland

Rina is from Essex, Ontario and has been a Rotary member since around 2000.  Rina is a math teacher at St Thomas of Villanova Secondary School.  When asked why she joined Rina said Fellowship, more connection to the community and (to) get involved in youth exchange (hosting).

Rina’s favorite part of being a Rotarian is the Fellowship and making a positive change in the local community and internationally.   Rina’s favorite Rotary Memory was summer cooking events, the club collaborate sto make an event come together.

When asked why someone should join Rotary, Rina says “A great way to give back to the community while enjoying fellowship and developing leadership skills”.

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Kathy Dresser 

Kathy lives in Windsor, Ontario and has been a Rotary member since 2015.  Kathy is a Design Associate with Floor Coverings International in Maidstone, Ontario.  When asked why she joined Kathy said doing good and helping out the community.

Kathy’s favorite part of being a Rotarian are the summer BBQ’s. Kathy’s favorite Rotary Memory was the evening she became a new Rotarian.  It was a Christmas Dinner hosted at Mama’s Place located in downtown Essex, Ontario.

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